Autograph versions

Autograph helps you create advanced 2D and 3D graphs
Apr 7, 2021
Jan 26, 2010
Editorial review
Mar 19, 2008

What's new

v3.30.10 [Jan 26, 2010]
-Many of the routines have been fine-tuned and operation is smoother. Image handling has been improved: you can paste or drag image files into Autograph, and you can drag images straight off Firefox web pages.
-There is a superb new "Save to Web" facility. Autograph activities can be quickly created and saved to HTML (eg for use in a VLE or Wiki). Anyone opening such an activity for the first time in Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari will automatically download the Autograph Player (which is installed anyway for all Autograph users).
-All six 'Extras' have been completely re-written in stunning "Flash".
-The multi-lingual interface has been extended to 18 languages, including the world's first true right-to-left Arabic notation.
-The use of Autograph on Thin Client systems has been enabled.
-Autograph is now activated online, enabling the smooth continuation of use for trial users, and greatly simplifying the process of delivering the software to students on the popular Extended License.
-It is understood that many will want to take the opportunity to upgrade their license to the popular Extended License to take advantage of the online activation.

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